
Showing posts from March, 2019


I look at the girl standing in the mirror I never did stopped and look at her ever I looked everywhere, her lips, chin, cheek, hair, shoulder, but refuse to meet her eyes I don't know how i would felt if i do, because i never try. She brushed her waist length hair Struggling to breathe To stay calm to look calm Her breath stuck and her finger trembling It won't stop, her living nightmare I stare at her boney wrist Wandering what's the tragedy What the triggers What drive her to this place She bite her lips Catching her breath Her eyes darted to the scissors on the corner I pity the discarded hairs on the floor They again became the victims Of her war against herself She breathe again Nothing changed But is her ways of saying "I had control on the situation,  not everything, at least this, i can i can control. " If you get the gist, it was me. In one of the moment of my mental breakdown where i lost sense of control and life in general i cut

Falling in love with someone voice.

Hey so. When i was 16 i moved to a boarding school. So like any other school we have prayer every day during dusk. Maghrib prayer. One day, when walking back from dinner as passing through the surau i hear a voice reciting surah aq quran. I was thinking that I've never heard that voice ever before. So i stopped and ask my roomate who also my classmates and seat mate, "Who is that? " she smile knowingly and just keep walking. Then the next day also the same thing, this time i heard his during adzan. And i was like "That voice goes straight to my heart." Again my roommate smiles at me. Without knowing who the owner of that voice i ask my boy classmates, yeah he would know. "Hey you wouldn't happen to know who doing adzan last maghrib do you?" "Owh. That must be Syaiful Akmal." And my life crushes in front of me. Why?  Heh let me tell you, Syaiful Akmal is that one guy that manage to make me hate him. And i don't hate on people ea