
Showing posts from February, 2017

Hati. 120216

Bila dia care lebih skit.  Rasa seronok. Kamon lah girls smpai bila nak syok sendiri.  Jd kuat.  Mental and fizikal. Even the toughest exterior can crumble when it come to heart.  Hati nie mudah sangat terbuai. Lelaki.  Tahan skit perasaan tuh.  Tau lah single n bebas buat apa and kawan dengan sapa pun.  Tp careful lah sikit. Sebab hati nie lembut dan mudah terpaut. Cakap x suka bagi harapan.  Tapi dari pagi smpai malam kau mesej dia x berhenti. Bila dia ignore kau cari kau buat smpai dia cakap jugak dengan kau. Kau kata x salah nak berkawan.  And kau tunggu dia smpai dia habis kerja.  Sanggup. Smpai bila dia dah buka peluang untuk kau kau biar dia kecewa sebab kau dah ada yang lain.  Kau biar dia tergantung dengan tanda tanya.  Semua benda kau nak cerita dengan dia.  Kau tunjuk yang kau peduli pasal dia.  You force yourself into her world. With time when she gave in.  You disappear.  ...and you ask her why is she still single. And im the one at fault for open the door and tr

Mending my own heart. 110217

I hate the fact that im am crumbling at the memories of you.  The way you treat me.  The way you would tease me. The way you would make conversation with me.  They way you would get in my way and my nerve.  The way you show that you genuinely care for me. I hate that. The more i tried to put you off the more you came.  The stronger you try.  I guess i never realized that i had stop trying to ignore you long time ago.  That when i have lost.  This game however had breaks me to pieces.  I am crumble again and again.  The more i tried to forget you the more i think of you.  The more i try to distract myself the more thought of you came intk my mind.  Knowing myself better.  This is not a good sign.  I could end up in heart break sooner than i expected to be. Rather trying to get rid of you.  Maybe if i just learn to accept the truth and letting you go could be the wise decision i had make in a long time.  Trying to put up a tougher exterior isnt going to work.  As once it break i coul

Take on life : Cycle Of Life 100217

People life are full of up and down. It is a never ending cycle. When do it stops? When we die. I have a fair share of low moment. Moment bila aq menangis kt tikar sembahyang sebab aq rsa lost dlm hidup. Moment nangis dlam toilet sebab marah kat diri sendiri lepas sedar kebodohan diri sendiri,  mudah percaya orang and end up diperbodohkan. Moment aq telan panadol 4 biji sebab stress. And lepas tuh 'pengsan' separuh hari.  Moment bila aq bergulung dalam selimut sebab unnecessary anxiety rush in my head. Moment bila aq 'naik hantu' smpai roomate aq pn takut nk tgk aq. Moment bila aq crying out random. Moment bila aq salahkan diri sendiri when things falling apart.  Moment bila aq x bole concentrate nak bt apa pun smpai aq rsa aq nie manusia paling bodoh.  At time i do feel like my life is falling apart.  Bila akal waras and im back to the world of the living.  Bila otak aq dah x menggila.  Aq tengok keliling.  Satu demi satu masuk dalam kepala aq. Nikmat