Take on life : Cycle Of Life 100217

People life are full of up and down.

It is a never ending cycle.

When do it stops?
When we die.

I have a fair share of low moment.
Moment bila aq menangis kt tikar sembahyang sebab aq rsa lost dlm hidup.
Moment nangis dlam toilet sebab marah kat diri sendiri lepas sedar kebodohan diri sendiri,  mudah percaya orang and end up diperbodohkan.
Moment aq telan panadol 4 biji sebab stress. And lepas tuh 'pengsan' separuh hari. 
Moment bila aq bergulung dalam selimut sebab unnecessary anxiety rush in my head.
Moment bila aq 'naik hantu' smpai roomate aq pn takut nk tgk aq.
Moment bila aq crying out random.
Moment bila aq salahkan diri sendiri when things falling apart. 
Moment bila aq x bole concentrate nak bt apa pun smpai aq rsa aq nie manusia paling bodoh. 

At time i do feel like my life is falling apart. 

Bila akal waras and im back to the world of the living.  Bila otak aq dah x menggila. 

Aq tengok keliling. 

Satu demi satu masuk dalam kepala aq.
Nikmat Allah.
Aq masih berdiri,
Masih punya mak abah,
Masih sihat fizikal,
Masih lagi ada daya kekuatan.

Masa tuh aq pikir kenapa aq nak menyerah.
Kenapa aq nak berhenti.
Yes life have low moment that make us feel like the scum of the earth. 
Make us falling in our knees.

But what if i say that.
Its okey to realized the fact that life is falling apart.
Its okay to fall something. Or anytime.

Like i always said.  And may seems repetitive. 
Never forget how to stand back up.  To realize the thing that we can make.  Change.  It all up to us.
The life journey is in our hand.  We may not have the control 24-7 but we can shape it and keep trying.  That the beauty of it. 

Dont like something?
Can you change it?
If can then think how you may do it.
Do you need help?
If not then learn to let it go. 
Learn to move on.
One door closed another open. 

All my life ive never been alone. 
With family that would be there for me.
At school with friends that understand me.
At the most unexpected time i always find a kindred spirit that is kind enough to bless me with their company.

So why regret?
When we can be thankful.

And yes may be after writting this thing turn mush and dark and ill be at the corner depressed.  But after that.  Imma stand back up.  Yess. Stand still.

Feel sad?
Shout it all out.
Bring out why you put on hope at the first place.

Let it all out, feel it. 
Tears, madness within,  embrace that dark side.  So that you could make peace with your regret etc.

When you done.  Never again look back.  Keep you head high.

Though i am not going to lie.  i still keep that darkness inside me contain and maybe visit it once in a while.  When i fell like about to drift off the clift of my own feeling. I'll visit that place.  And when i came out. Beware cause im not going to be the same.


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