
Showing posts from February, 2016

I still remembers.

And i still remember that vivid dream i had once. Me wearing all white. The wind blowing my hair. The bright blue sky. The cloud moving slow. The grass dancing with the wind. I remember how it feels. Everything as if i could feel it in real life. As if it wasnt a dream. I turn behind and saw from afar. A siluheute standing facing other way. My heart beats a little faster than it should. i stare and saw. Its him. I smile as i recognise him. The smile happiness filled my face. my eyes watery awake. It was a dream. A dream that i cant forget no matter how long has it been. It still fresh as it was last night dreems. though i recognise him. I dont know who he is. As fimiliar as he appear to me. i know that he would be in my life. But i not sure if i meet with him already or not.

Surely i dont know what to do.

When you say.... "...boleh dak aq duk tang nie tengok ja muka hang. x yah p memana. Dah dua hari aq x nampak ang nie." I know it but i neglect it. when you keep following me around... I start to feel diferent. When you ignore your friends when u saw me. I felt guity. When my eyes fixated at another guy. While yours only at me. I surely dont know what to do.

Tah iya ke tak

Bila aq da taip panjang tapi phone aq hang and left me with blank screen. so f-ing annoying. Instinct kita nie selalunya betoi. belajarla untuk ikut hati kita nie. Belajar untuk menerima suara kecil yang berkata dalam hati ini. Hati aq selalu bagi amaran awal2 kat aq tapi ja yg slalu ignore contohnya macam kawan aq yang sangka hati aku nie busuk sangat sampai suka buat tak puas hati dengan dia. Sampai aq nampak jahat kat mata semua orang. Lagi bila aq boleh tersuka sekejap kat member baik aq sendri. Sampai aq jadi a complete diferent person in front of him. And now. Layanan kawan biasa dah berubah sikit demi sedikit. Aq puas ignore dan tanam yang dia memang suka bergurau mengada. Tapi bila orang lain mention benda tuh aloud aq jadi lembik lutut. Aq bkan hidup dlam dunia aq laa kranya. Dalam masa yang sama. Aku suka kt orang lain. dan orang lain yang suka kat aku. Hmm termenung kt tepi tingkap sat. Tembak jgk cupid nie. Dkk main panah sesuka hati jaa. panah elok2 laa. Da nk panah j