
Showing posts from July, 2013

Kisah batu…

Assalamualaikum… Korang pernah tak masuk batu dalam kasut? Mesti pernah kan2 Apa yang korang rasa masa tuh? Jujur lah… J Mesti rasa marah sakit pastu rasa macam nak campak je kasut korang tuh bagi batu yang ada dalam kasut korang tuh pegi jauh2 Munie setiap hari berjalan pergi dan balik dari kolej. Masa nak sampai tuh munie kena redah semak jalan ikut denai, lalu belakang kilang lah setiap hari makan masa lebih kurang 15 min tuk sampai kat kolej and balik umah. So tak payah cakap lah kan pasal sebijik batu. Kadang tuh sampai kolej ja munie pegi tandas semata-mata nak buang batu yang ada dalam kasut munie tuh sebab banyak sangat. Ok so satu hari nie munie tengah jalan tiba tiba masuk satu batu yang boleh tahan tajam dia, and batu tu pun terkena kaki munie. Apa lagi terkejut punya pasal terkeluarlah perkataan yang kurang sopan. Munie pun hilang sabar tengah jalan tuh jugak munie buka kasut tuh nak ambik batu yang berani masuk dalam kasut munie tuh.. bila tengok batu...

Home Sick...-_-'

i would never thought that i would miss my family more than i am today... the image of Ramadan atmosphere are on my eyes, my mom with her sewing machine struggle to finish baju raya. my little brothers and sisters fight each other non stop. then we all prepare for breakfasting at the kitchen. and the best part of Ramadan is that my father always come home early to breakfasting at home (even though his temper are the worst when Ramadan time) ..and the preparation for Raya. where i sometimes help my mom with her work and be at the machine with her after sahur till noon...and help with other cores.. only Allah knows how i miss those day... and not to forget how difficult it is to wake my little brothers and sisters for sahur.. even the oldest sometime be last one waking up...(that me.) this whole thing make me appreciate my time that i spend for my family. and make me appreciate each of them more...
Its been a while since i have post a serious post...(like i have) Its is Ramadhan and i am going to a phase of change from a shy nerd girl. to maybe a bit open type of girl. well i mean in a good way though. I have battling with myself about most of the things. to afraid to get out from my comfort zone to chicken to speak my mind. i guess its going to change i guess. I would rather doing job all my self than have to state my idea to anyone else...well that is a totally bullshit and hopefully it gonna pass though. Fair enough i would like to announce that i in my last year of college. yeah work time coming. hei its not that  bad hah? argh i don't know what to think. well I've expectation from people around me. and of course i want to make my own decision and choosing my own device. even that going to throw me to the ground painfully i gonna take it. it my life right. IF YOU WANNA WIN THE RACE YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE...