High Low
It's all the same And yet so different, So predictable Still so difficult Unmanageable The high high. the low low, When you reach the high high, It's like ecstacy so calming so high So bright Smile for the first time ever. Nothing can take this away. the low low Come crushing down You at the pit of the lowest Dark and grey The edge of furthest drop Why even try Why even bother There is no use There is no point You can just end it here Right now Why keep going why even try There are time where you would be at the highest mountain the peak of your emotions the best you can ever be. Then there the low, the lowest you can be. Crawl up in the dark corner. Everything turns grey and musky There is no in between. So um, i been having an episode right now, sorry if the post has been depressing but it always comes to me when i at my lowest emotions. And yeah I'm depressed today.