Aku ni jenis orang yang payah nak terasa or berjauh hati dengan sapa-sapa pun, tp there are few moment aku terasa dengan orang and when that ish happen i will remember vividly.

there one time i fell ill when i am still at hostel. if i'm not mistaken i was 17, i am now a senior, first month, we have senior orientation, dorm makeover and preparation for junior intake. on top of that i am the kooperasi team, meaning i have double task in the preparation for the junior registration day and the first two week of them at the school. Now my school is not a boarding school but 90% of the student do stay in dormitories and from all over the countries. so the registration is going to be so hectic with school registration few hrs of activities with school and then dormitories registration and all the way to the room and bed and all that jazz, follow up with welcoming activities and orientation for a week. and on top of that we have class to attend and school activities. not even 1 week getting into school i go down with a terrible fever, one night during orientation week during the yassin recitation i felt dizzy and light headed. and my warden bring me to the hosp. but i was tired that all, few days come by and i have on and off fever and could not attend to classes and resting at the dormitories clinic. one day of skipping class become two week, even at dorm i was resting and not going for prep class. my warden was like asking me why i didn't go request to go to the hosp instead? i was stunned. as i was told during resting at the dormitories clinic that there is no driver to send me and this two kids who also sick that day. i told her that, she not having it. instead of asking the in charge person she lash out on me. why i not go out and look for the teacher on duty and ask her to bring me to the clinic and, i at the time was really dizzy and really high fever i could not even see her properly, she continue being mad and me and say thing as such i am doing this to get out of school and wanting my time and other people time and burden people. i keep my mouth shut. as i was taken aback by everything, if i and strong enough to go search for the on duty teacher ask to go to clinic i rather go and sit in the class and study obviously i was frustrated to hear her talking as if i was making it up. she ask if i want to go to clinic or just go home. i think and was calculating for what feels like two seconds, she fed up and spit out, "you don't even know what you want how you expect people to help you, i'm done with this." and i sit there like what the fuck was that? she stomp leaving my room. my friend sitting next to me listening to everything not even saying anything. i told her that i don't want to trouble people around me its not my attention for that. please call my mom and tell her to come and pick me up. i want to go home. with that she help me with everything. calling my mom and help me pack and also informing my warden that i want to go home. while i was changing she came and stay with us. i could not even look at her face. i am pissed not. she came and act like what happen less than five minutes ago not even happen. she tried to talk to me but i ignore her also my throat was hurting and i barely have any voice. she was joking with my friend and laughing while i at the other side of the bed slowly changing my clothes. she then decide to go and check other student who is in the prep class. my friend keep my company. she finally say to not taken to heart everything our warden said. i tell her that the damage is done now. because of her foul word that i just want to go home and rest. i want to go to class, its my final year. i have big exam at the end of the year, the one that will determine my future. she think this is joy for me. my whole body ache. i cant even walk properly for few minutes without feeling nausea and vomit my whole inside.

Without saying anything to her i left with my mother that night.

why i'm saying all of this. is that yesterday a workers at my department was sick. and the in house nurse saying she is fine and let her leave. but then the said worker did not come in to work and just rest at the rest area for hours. i was skeptical of the situation but managed to arrange for her to be taken to clinic.
And today she fainted in the line and being brought back to the office. i was shocked to see her today. asking her why she came to work today, she was feeling better this morning, but later not feeling very good. I stop questioning her. Then the security with the HR, question her for 15 minutes of why is she sick for two days in a row and she is still new. well first of all is that your fucking business. and second she sick goddammit. it s your job to send her to clinic fucking send her out what if some thing else happen to her and could harm her freaking life. would you take responsibilities about it? you fuck. this pisses me so much, as you can tell.

DO NOT do that to the people who is sick they are vulnerable at that time, both physically and mentally, don't treat people who is sick as criminal. do your job as per given. that all i want to say.


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