He did that!

Well i was cleaning my things and i found my old stash of bus ticket. well i had his habit of keeping the bus ticket i ever rode in my purse. well long story shot.  last year around November i need to get home from Subang. as i only travel by instinct not logic. i decide to take bus at pudu sentral which i always go to. 

for almost four year. arrive with my white uniform white shawl. black pants and shoe. (lucky i dint wear those sport shoe yet that time. lol)
i do what i does normally. with handbag and luggage that could fit me in. and the handle broken. can you imagine the state i  that time. looking ragged, i don't really care how my face or my entire outfit look like at that time i walk around act like it was fab. while there a ink stain on my white shirt. 

i went to the second floor with elevator dragging my luggage with one thing in mind. to get the quickest bus that leaving withing half an hour. aS fast as i can.
as soon as the elevator opens. (the elevator lead straight to the second floor parking lot, and straight to the ticket counter.)

as the door opens i drag the luggage out and one guy stand in front of me. startled i don't say a word.
"nak pegi mana nie."
trying to not looking as he cought me off guard. hell yeah. dragging the lugage with no handle yeah drag it out struggling with it and some guy walk right at you start ask question. of course i'm ready to talk and socialize. (No i'm not)

quickly i trying to grasp as much as i can about this guy. could he be one of the 'ulat ticket'? who knows. wearing black all over with cap that cover half of his face. he looked real 'friendly' to me. 

"jom" he turn and i with shorter legs compared to him trying to match his double steps. damn he fast. realized that he way ahead of me. he turn and see me with the luggage. could get more embarrassing that this?? oh lord. he then stop, turn back at me and take the luggage from me and walk alongside with me. 

my face?? hot all over. that dire state of my luggage and the fact that i am slow. well he must wanted customers so bad.
we reach the counter in no time. 'thanks' to him. there he drop my stuff and i reach the counter make my purchase. and turn to get my luggage. that time i dont know exacly why i turn around because. that guy is apparently not leaving. well how im not noticing he still there within the crowd around the counter.
i saw he looking at me and as awkward it would be. i gesture thanks at him and he waved back. so i continued make my way downstairs to the platform and to find toilet next, to get change of course.

as i reach to stairs i lift my luggage and i almost had my first public heart attack. why cause that guy is back. yeah before i could even lift the bag off the floor he grab it and i couldn't help but think that what is his idea. well to be truth there is nothing valuable in there. and also with some unwashed cloths in there i'm not even gonna lie.
so i just be like.
"eh x pa."
and he..." xpa meh nk tlg."
(am i that helpless??!)
walking down i realized how tall he is. reached the end of the stairs he still caring my bag asking what is my platform no. 
he stares at me intense and i spill the no. he continue carrying my bag. till reached the platform. when there almost reached with two more platform with the usual crowd he say something that i missed. 

"sory??" he turn and bend lower reaching my face closer.
" ada whatapp??"
!!!!!! seriously? .

yeah stupid. how i get out of this. and he keep asking for my number. that whole time i been holding my android. clearly i had a what app installed. even if i say no. he would still be asking for my number.
still cluching to my bag we reach the platform and he put the bag down. and guess what?? he sit there leaving space between the bag and him!. ookayy. 

i walk further and sit at the other side of the bag. what do i do now?
he takes his phone out and look at me. im like what??
i dont do the cursing word of be a bitch at that time cause
1 im alone. it already exposed me to threat.
2 he knows that.
3 its 9.00 pm. i had to wait for another 1 hour for my buss.
4 im right at my waiting spot. and he knows perfectly ways around here. he works here.

damn. he looks straight at me. now i had clear view of this misterious face.
he told me his name that i cannot remember and i dint really care to be honest.
"nama sapa?" and he used that deep voice. "munirah."
"hmm cantik nama." yeah cantik lah ko nak no aq. eii.
he then read his no for me to call him right there. clever. i dont have the chance to give him the wrong no. 
soo the end we exchange numbers and he say few word to me. like safe journey and stuff. then he leaves. i was like speechless. almost laughing at myself. i get back on my feet. cause i need to change clothes.

as im in the toilet i wonder if that guy went out to get another alone girl phone number or something. but he didnt contact me and for the record i only pressed call not saving his number.
so i changed to some comfortable clothes and shoes. get something to eat almost forget what happen just now. and when the time comes i get in the buss. and it leave at the same time of the Malaysian flight that went missing MH317. 
but i didnt know it that time of course. around 12.00 am. i falls asleep when a call came in. as much i want to ignore it i had to take it. well annoying the rest of the passenger at night journey is not what i had in mind.
~unknown~ 017*******
i silenced it. but on the second ring i answer it. well2 turn out it was the mystery guy. ask either i already get on the bus. and the call end.
well he still contact me when i reached home but i ignored his 5 missed call and 10 chat. i was exhousted!. get home a fall asleep only for two hour. and then wake up to get ready for my MUET test. that starting at 10.00 am. its writing test. looking through the format one last time. with no breakfast. i rushed out.
needles to say the test went well with no injuries hahahh. and only after the test i had the time to checked my phone. well this unknown no is filling up my phone. no message from my coworkers. (we aren't allowed to bring phone while working. weird i know.)
i leave message telling im safe home and already done with my long awaited test.
got home. and continue of my interrupted nap. well you dont get much sleep with 6 hours ride home. so i wake up with my social media flooded with #praydorMH317
and him. we kind have a minutes or so call and it end. couse pff i was hungry that i just cant pay attention to the conversation.
the next day sunday i had to take another trip back to perak where im still in training. so i wonder if i should replied to the unknown text. so i replied to see what kind of guy he is. turn out. he just annoys the shit out of me so that what he gets.

And i decided to play around saying i that i have to travel around Malaysia for work. and for the god sake he believed it. but it take not that long for me to block him course it just to uncomfortable to talk with him after he send his picture to me. i then delate his pic and block him. and feel much relief after do that. hahaah.

at the end i forgot his name but still his no is nowhere to be found as i change phone and i must have delate his no already. lol. one memories to keep in mind whenever i get back to that buss station. but still pudu raya is still my stop whenever i reach Kuala Lumpur. and when i saw some guy selling ticket i would hopefully put in mind to pretend to be deaf or dumb next time. 


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