The sweet life of been a teenager.


It's may already. And i am only 21 days from being 24 yr old.  Sigh. Cepatnya masa berlalu.
Speaking of which.  Even in my 'almost' mid 20's (cringed) i still
A. live with my parents. What's new.
B. And i am still getting my parents permission to go out with my friend.
No night out. Even that my parents still allow me to go and take trips 2 days one night 10 hours away from home.  But she know where on earth am i. 

This may seem like my parents a control freak.  But i guess that is the way the show their affection to us. Their children.

Even my friend were like.  "Are you serious. You like what 23 yr old already. A grown up. "

All i can say is.  I know. But that just the way it is.

I may seem like obedience little girl. But i had a fair share on my rebels age. Where i just want to fucking get the hell out of this freaking house.

Like when i am 18. Stay home for to long with no job after i quit my first job.  (That whas terrible experience in my life. Reliving the nightmare) then i just couldn't take the fact that i had no where to go. Because i had not getting into any of the public uni nor the politeknik.

When my dad choose for me to go to the international Islamic collage i just went with the flow. "Pilih tmpt yang abah ang redho. Skrang nya dia x mrah cm msa ang g skolah teknik dlu. " and that how i at the age of 18 pindah duduk gombak.  Jauh.  Tapi alhamdullah.  Aq dpat kenal dgn kawan aq yg smpai skrng aq cntc lg. Anyway. Masa dk jauh kan.  Dk lak sndri tp msa dk hostel biasa jaa.  X da bt prangai sgt. Sbb ad curfew. Tapi tuh pun... Kaki panjang wei.

Then setahun lepas tuh aq pndah umah sewa.  Haa. Dk sndri lagi laa.  Panjang smpai x blek umah pn ada.  Tido umah member len nah. Bkn pelik2. Plan gak nk overnight ngan house mate tp x pnh jd. Suma kaki tido nie.  Hahahaha.

N ada jgk laa bnda yg aq bt yg klau aq skrng nie cuci tgn.  Yela dk asing nie. Bebas. Tp kena hati2. Kalau x mmg hanyut laa kau.  Rmai jaa aq tgk members aq yg bleh ckap. Rosak. Bla aq tgk jd cmtuh. Aq tringat kt mak abah. Depa antr aq kt sni harap aq g kelas belajar.  Nie aq sronok enjoy x pikir dh bnda len.  So aq slow down and focus blajr. Pointer nek and life gets better.  Jahat tuh x sgt laa.  Tp x mau laa dk bkak aib aq kt snie ka.  Kot aq ajal nnti jd saham dosa aq lak. 

Sng crita.  Aq perhan rasa bebas.  Duk sndri kluaq mana aq nak. bla aq nak. Tp skrng nie duk ngan family i hargai setiap masa ngan family. The good and the bad. 

And even when org len ckap.  Muni dah besaq laa.  No need nak control smpai cmtuh skali.  Ada life sndri kan. X kan nk kluar mlam pn x bleh.

Bagi aq ada cara nya nk keluar.  Asal x melampau batas.  And aq kenal parents aq mcm mna.  No matter what you said. Parents aq ada hak atas aq.  They had done so much to me. And be there for me. Through thick and thin. Apa yang akan jd kat aq depa akan terima aq sepenuh hati. X da ganti. So takat nie x kan dh x bleh terima. Yes my lofe my choice. But what the hell am i if there wasn't there in my life.

Zaman skrng nie tengok budak2 bru nk besaq bt aq rsa bersyukur aq x jd mcm tuh.  Punah. Mcm x btoi dh aq tgk.  At least aq ad rasa beza baik buruk skrng dari kecik2 dh bebas x tentu hala. Smpai bru skolah rendah dh kapel ngan mat moto. Dk bergaul bebas. Cmna jd x yah ckap laa kan. Tgk pn bleh bt aq muntah.

Anyway. Happy labour day.  And uh.  Sedar kah.  Lagi 26 hari nk posa.  What!!  Cepat dowh masa berlalu.

Assalamualaikum. 😉


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