Take on life : Self hate.

Assalamualaikum Hai awesome people. So klau dh biasa kt snie maybe you get a little glimps of how i am actually. To tell the truth. I not what i am today. Five years ago i cant even look into the miror. I am my worse critic. Not critic like be ..... But more to critic that soul crushing. I may suffer from self hate. I am horrible at studies. I dont have many friends growing up. My one long term friend ever, stab me at the back. Never been in a relationship ever. Yes never. I would sit in a group talk loud and laugh. But then i change. Its like a flick of switch i turn distant. Feels like people around me were forced to sit with me. They hate me. Wish me were gone. Were happier if i weren't there. I try not to think that much often. But maybe that why i get the negative vibes often and its like being in water. Dont know when you going to drown in the endless darknes...