Major throw back.

Yeah how about i take you back in time when I was 15.
Masa PMR paper kemahiran hidup.

Kalau dulu or sekarang aq x tau laa mcm mna exam dijalankan. Tapi masa aq dlu kena bahagi balik kedudukan. Dah aq ambik mata pelajaran sains pertanian so... bayangkan dalam kelas biasa kami amik exam. And susunan kedudukan aq pulak belakang sekali di pintu belakang. Rapat ke dinding. Yeah great.

So sebelum masuk aq dah siap2 tgk jadual bagai and amik alat tulis aku nie dah ready konon. Sbb aq memang target score punya paper nie. Sekali dush.

Aq bru berjalan ke tempat aq nie. X smpai lg tp aq dah nmpak dah sapa dk sebelah aq.
Adoiii. Ada ka patot. Orang terakhir yang aq harap dk situ. Fazli ahmad. Tau dak macam mna susahnya aq nk fokus dalam kelas kalau and duk satu line depan aq. Tuh depan. Nie sebelah.

Boleh kata dalam dua tahun aq dk mengelak dari ada direct contact ngan dia tau2 this happen. I never even talk to the guy.

Okay so his sitting on my right. Just one step away from me. And at that time my heart in my throat. Yeah. And tell me how am I supposed to focus on my exam? Who planned this?
Not in my wildest dream I imagine this could happened.

From the start till finish I could tell you how uneasy for me to sit there taking my exam. But I had to block him out. And answer the question given.

Not even 30 min after that I already done. And go over the question for like tenth time until I put down my pencil. I glance at him and he still brooding on the paper. I sigh in relief.

The last thing I want now is him trying to talk to me or worse finish answer and stare at me for the rest of the hour left.

I may not mention this before but I been staring at him during our first year because erm... I had major crush on him. So the second year went as if he figured how I fell and now taking his revenge by seeing my reaction when ever he cought im looking at him. And he dont even bother to hide this from his friend from my friend. God. Almost every girl in my class saying this. "Why does he keep looking this way." While staring at my direction. And I make my boring face. Because I dont know what to say.

So when the whole class is still working on the paper. A teacher walk by and saw me staring at the wall. He came near me and ask if I already done.

Im like dont mad at me. Lol hahaha. I always felt guity even though I im not doing anything wrong. So he ask to see my paper. He read thoroughly and nod few time before give it back. He smile and wish me luck. Nervously I smile back at him and look down. Well this attract his attention back to me. Man can I tell you that he finished. With nothing to do to distract myself.
Although im lokking everywhere else apart from his seat. My attention is at my right as my right cheeks is burnings and I dont even dare to act like I noticed him staring at me.

I dont know if I ever blush back then but now when Im embarrassed my friend would tell me my face red. I never know how I look but is obvious that I am embarrassed that time.

Man how he enjoy with making me x senang duduk senang kata.
That the time ladies and gentlemen a history that would never occur in my life ever again. Couse im so afraid of attachment to another human being.

So I wont drag this further.
This is when im going to end this and until next time.


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