
Showing posts from May, 2015

Melancoly mei

Well may is here again. Mei kalau kt malaysia ada hari guru Ada hari ibu Lagi?? Tapi bagi aku bulan mei adalah ulang tahun kelahiran aq. Jeng jeng. And aku share birthday month with my older sister and my mother. Guruh berdentum pulak kat luar tuh. Nak hujan kot malam nie. Hehe. Ada benda jadi baru baru nie yang aq maish belum sedia untuk story lagi so we calm down and geos to another story first. Okay so this month again aku masih zbelum dapat kerja. Kalau dah baca last entry pasal kerja kilang korang akan faham kenapa. Tapi biarlah cerita tuh reserve kat situ. Malas nak ulang. Hmm my sister nak beli kereta entah lah. Banyak sangat problem dia tuh. Okay back to my birthday. Erm so officially turning 22 huh? Banyak lagi yang aku nak capai dalam hidup so umur aku nie muda lagi. Sapa kata? Hahahaha Mestilah aq yang kata. Owh2 aku da banyak tulis novel tapi suma masih belum ad plot yang aq puas hati or even habis tulis. Tapi jagan risau selain kpop fanfic aku ad jgk tulis n

Unspoken words...

The long lost years keep coming back to me lately Weighing down on my shoulder and my heart Today again i saw you from afar And yet the spoken words keep treating to escaping my lips But i pushed it back down my throat And again became the coward I am Silencing over the unspoken words. ~myrisz

Kerja kilang

Semalam first time aq g trai keja kilang. And omg a felt dreadfull. Mak bleh plak kta aq x tahan dolat. Ah lantak lah. First msk trus bt keja. Belek unit yg x smpai saiz 1cm! No one tell me about this. Shit! Kna pakai kanta and i was like whaaa? Still its the easyest thing to do. But i never felt uncomfortable like that all my life. The place is super small. Ony got three line and two parts. We be like sitting there for the rest of the day and googling over the tiniest thing. At first i was like okay if i get any cramp i could walk to the toilet. But then i was placed right infront of toilet. And there only had one toilet in the whole floor. That is where u wash ur hand, face and do ur other business. And it also act like pantry where u wash ur plate and glass. Only one toilet bowl one sink. And share it with more than 50 girl. Use it like less than 2 min and u get an angry face from the senior workers. Damn factory. I need more than five min to freshen up. With no cafeteria

color POWER??!

How to Use the Power of Color I had a powerful experience of shifting a chronic health issue by balancing the five elements in my home. Many years ago I moved to the charming coastal town of Half Moon Bay in N. California. It had been a dream of mine to live on the coast, but shortly after moving there, I found myself sick all the time. The climate was foggy and damp and a water pump churned out water continuously under my house. After several bouts of bronchitis culminating in walking pneumonia, I was worried my lungs were becoming impaired. I had this strong yearning to paint the walls of my home yellow, which was strange because I never particularly liked this color. The yearning for yellow was so strong that I finally succumbed. Almost immediately my previously robust health returned again. I remember thinking it must have just been a streak of bad luck. Years later in learning about Feng Shui and the five elements theory was I  able to connect the dots. In the five
Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You White : Symbolic of purity, innocence and naivete, white has strong connotations of youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to recapture lost youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a  desire for simplicity  or the simple life. Red : The color of strength, health, and vitality, Red is often the color chosen by someone outgoing, aggressive, vigorous and impulsive—or someone who would like to be! It goes with an ambitious nature but those who choose it can be abrupt at times, determined to get all they can out of life, quick to judge people and take sides. Red people are usually optimistic and can’t stand monotony; they are rather restless and not at all introspective, so they may be unaware of their own shortcomings. They find it hard to be objective and may blame others for any mishaps. Quiet people with a

hello april

i always had this saying in my heart about something. but then i be like meh. no way. then all of hte sudden bamm all i felt was indeed thruth. and im like. oh no. no way in hell i know it even befroe i was told about it. felling almost like living in those tale i write and get all mushy inside. but lets get real. this is reality. and reality is ugly no matter how you look at it. ramli driver kat tempat keja lama aq. knadia mesej aq gtau kta dia syok kt aq?! mcm lah aq nak percaya. klau dia syok kat lin lainlah. ni aq. selama dk bt kerja skali dk bt xtau ja kt aq. bla aq dabrenti dk tnya psal aq plak. like hell im going to believe it. okay my phone break down so the draf i prepare for my march entry missing. well most like i cant open it. so there may be changes after this entry. stay tuned. LOL i always want to used that line. but anyway . tataa. oh one thing i forgot to include. i already quit my job at that shitty place.and i am free i quit on 17 april 15. lol  19 ap