Favorite february?

Okay im such a bad person.
February is almost end and i have not yet post for last month article. Okay so huh. What am i gonna talk about?

February came and go without i even realized it.
My firend who name i not intend to mention here has continue on her degree. And me?! Hahahahahahhh huu not yet.

Im planning to quit job by the end of march. So trying to make quality time as much as posibble.

What else? I been going crazy with cosway lately and spend almost 100 everytime i go there.

February is the month where i got hurt alot. Knowing tue true freakys and flaw. Friends and foe alike. So it been a huge no massive for me. I learn something at least.

I learn that we could laugh and at the same time being fake. Oh oh oh. One thing i would like to share. If a person could talk trash about others in front of us they could also talk trash about us behind our back.

Okay enough rambling i gonna get something to eat before i fall asleep and wake up like 4 hours later.
  Peace yoo


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