
Showing posts from December, 2012

8 dis 2012

Nice day…bright and shiny…I woke up a bit early than usual…hehe…nine that is consider as okey lah for me to wake up on my own. Eventually I happen to leave my phone silent mode. When I check on the evening I found up that I have 33 miscall and 6 six messages. 1 st time in my life to get that 33 miscall. Haha guess what?? Its mom. She been worrying sick. Im just like…what on earth?? What is going to happen to ME?? Nothing going to happen. I’m TOTALLY FINE. But that is what mom for. My dear sister text me just now. She kind of report to me what is going on at the house haha. Just kidding. My little sister is in the rebelling mode. With mom condition (she injured recently and cannot walk ) she just being SO selfish. I mean its. really. Not helping out and not understanding. Both my sis that currently at the house are not able to control her. One of them believe that only I can control her. Well I never thought so. But if they say so. Than be its. When I return home soon sh